Jan 7, 2013

2013... Really?

Where has the time gone?  I mean really, where is it??  I can't seem to figure when or how it already became 2013.  Since it's a new year, I have new resolutions.  And by new resolutions, I mean I basically have the same resolutions as last year.  But this year, I hope I can be better with them (that's what everyone says, right?).  Here goes:
-write more, I like writing
-continue going to yoga 2-3 times/week, which is probably the easiest one to keep
-add in more cardio, I need it (I've started Pilates once a week, and it kicks my ass)
-continue to eat healthy, eat even healthier.
-read more good books (I just came up with this one right now, but it's always a goal)

And that's it.  Keepin' it simple.  So maybe that's my last resolution: To simplify, whatever that may mean.

And you know what else 2013 means?  10 years since I graduated high school.  I can't believe it.  Again, the time- I don't know where it is.  I don't know if my class will have a 10 year reunion but if we do, I suppose I would go.

So here's to a merry & bright 2013 for you and yours.

Aug 8, 2012

Travel & Tea

Gosh, it's like whoever wrote this reached into my head and came out with this.  My perfect world.

Jun 11, 2012

Korea Throwback

When people ask me what Korea is like, I always have a hard time describing it well.  They try so hard to emulate western culture (there's an Outback Steakhouse on every corner), but at the same time, the culture is so far from anything American (kids hate spaghetti and love steamed snails larvae).  This article from CNN Go paints a pretty good picture of Korean society.  Probably the best I've seen it spelled out.  (Thanks to Katie for sharing it on Facebook).

Jun 9, 2012

Concert Tonight

Put your dreams away for now, I won't see you for some time. I am lost in my mind, I get lost in my mind.

One of my favorite bands and favorite songs.  Will be amazing.

May 31, 2012

Change is Good.

A few months ago, a coworker showed me an astrology site that she described as being incredible accurate.   All of my coworkers around me read the information about the day their were born and exclaimed that they couldn't believe how spot on it all was.  Alright, I decided to have a look as well.  Some of what I read definitely sounded like me.  But then, one big statement stuck out to me: "Those born on this day have a very difficult time accepting change."

"That's not true," I thought.  I love change.  I love the impermanence of traveling and moving from place to place.  I choose to create a lot of change in my life and I like it that way; it keeps things interesting.

Somehow, that statement has stuck with me for the last few months.  There have been some big changes that I've had to deal with recently.  This is a different kind of change: not things that I chose to change but rather changes that are imposed on me and directly affected my life.  Let me tell you, as it turns out, that astrology page was spot on.  I hate change that I can't control.

This is fairly normal I suppose, but it has come as a sort of revelation for me.  Like I said, I've enjoyed the changes in my life that I've had control over.  But this has been a new experience for me.  I've had a harder time than most would in accepting some of these new changes in my life.  But now that I realize this about myself, it can help me to better adapt in the future.  This change will be ok.  It might not be the change I choose, but I will accept it.
I'm always learning more about myself, and it is wonderful.  

May 14, 2012

Everything is bigger in Texas..?

When it rains here, it POURS.  And I do mean that in the most literal way possible.

We were in a drought here for months on end.  Not a drop of water feel from the sky.  The streams were all dried up and the lakes were steadily decreasing.  Thousands and thousands of trees and livestock died.  A nearby town ran out of water.  I didn't even know that was actually possible.

Then one day, the sky parted and rain was released. I think every single person in Austin did a happy dance that day.  It was a miracle.

Now, we're not out of the drought.  But we have had some wildly magnificent storms the last few months.    And of course the biggest storms always seem to be at night.  The house shakes like it's an earthquake and the room lights up from the lightening outside.  I have to admit: I'm a bit of a chicken.  So sometimes when we get those really big strikes, I might let out a little shriek (Jason of course appreciates this).

Anyway, the thunderstorms here are truly incredible.  And the flash flood warnings are real and something to be aware of.  I had to run an errand the other night during a massive storm and the streets were flowing like a river.  I had visions of my car being swept away and got honestly a bit terrified for a moment.

But the land is soaking up the rain, and my garden loves it as well (minus any flooding).   So bring on the big rain, Texas.

Mar 27, 2012

Springtime in Texas

I had thought fall was my favorite season in Texas, but I was wrong.  Spring in Texas is hands down, without a doubt, my new most favorite season in Texas.  Why?  Well not only is the weather perfect and quite enjoyable before the heat of the summer is sure to arrive, but the WILDFLOWERS are unbelievable.  Last spring, we were in a serious drought.  There were no wildflowers.  I heard takes of the elusive bluebonnets covering the land, but I didn't see any and couldn't imagine the beauty.  This year, they are everywhere.  Wherever there is greenspace, there are Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, Black Eyed Susans, and so more that I don't even know the names of.  Driving along the highway is currently one of my favorite activities as the side of the road has become a rainbow of flowers.  I really can't get enough of it and if these flowers were always in bloom, I may never leave Texas again.  

Well anyway, here are just a couple of flower photos from my wonderful iphoneogrophy.  

The side of the highway