Jan 7, 2013

2013... Really?

Where has the time gone?  I mean really, where is it??  I can't seem to figure when or how it already became 2013.  Since it's a new year, I have new resolutions.  And by new resolutions, I mean I basically have the same resolutions as last year.  But this year, I hope I can be better with them (that's what everyone says, right?).  Here goes:
-write more, I like writing
-continue going to yoga 2-3 times/week, which is probably the easiest one to keep
-add in more cardio, I need it (I've started Pilates once a week, and it kicks my ass)
-continue to eat healthy, eat even healthier.
-read more good books (I just came up with this one right now, but it's always a goal)

And that's it.  Keepin' it simple.  So maybe that's my last resolution: To simplify, whatever that may mean.

And you know what else 2013 means?  10 years since I graduated high school.  I can't believe it.  Again, the time- I don't know where it is.  I don't know if my class will have a 10 year reunion but if we do, I suppose I would go.

So here's to a merry & bright 2013 for you and yours.