Dec 30, 2011

New Year, New Blog

I'm not usually too big on making New Year's Resolutions. They tend to be hard to keep and I usually forget them pretty quickly after the 1st of the year. But this year, I decided to give it another go. I have just a couple for myself.

Start blogging again.
I've recently been missing my blog, and found myself perusing my old entries a few days back. Even though I'm not traveling that much I can still keep blogging, right? I enjoy writing and this can be a good outlet for me here. I'll write once again and post stories and videos that I find interesting, probably mostly travel, eco-friendly and cooking related, with possibly some DIY home improvement things thrown in (basically whatever I find interesting). I think this is something I can stick with, although I can't make any guarantees on the frequency...

Stay healthy and continue to improve overall health.
Keep going to yoga 2+ days a week.
Add in more cardio, wherever and however I can.
Keep making delicious, healthy food, and learn new recipes.
Eat less junk (can be hard in Texas, with all the delicious queso, breakfast tacos and BBQ...)

And I think that'll do it.

Also, as a side note, in case you've been wondering what I've been up to since I stopped blogging:
-Jason and I moved to Austin, TX
-work as a study abroad advisor
-have made great new friends and explored my beautiful new city
-traveled to 8 new states (mostly for work) and visited some old favorites
-bought a house (!!!)
-settled into life in one place (mostly), but still dream of traveling always...

Happy New Year.
Šťastný Nový Rok.
새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Feliz año nuevo.

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