Jun 8, 2009

Back in the USA

I've been back home for a little over 2 weeks now and it has been wonderful. Our travels were amazing and I wasn't ready for the trip to be over in the end, but there's definetly something to be said for sleeping in your own bed. I've loved so much relaxing in my parents' beautiful house, eating the delicious food my mom makes and having my own space in a clean and comfortable room. Oh yeah, it's been nice spending time with my family and friends, too. Actually, it's been really great. I didn't realize just how much I had missed my parents until I finally saw them again. I've been doing so much since i've been home, I didn't even have time to finish unpacking my suitcases until a couple days ago. And here I thought I might not have enough to do and get bored! Colorado spring (the weather is not quite acting like summer yet) is beautiful and I love being outside hiking, biking, doing some gardening and enjoying the fresh mountain air.

Right now I am on yet another plane, headed down to Dallas to visit Jason. I'll be there for a week and a half and then later in the summer Jason will come up to Colorado for a visit. Our future plans are still up in the air at this point. We were planning on going back to Korea but situations have been deteriorating there lately so we're not sure yet if it would be a good idea to go back there or not. We were also looking at Japan but just learned that the JET program (the main resource for teaching English in Japan) involves a 9 month application period and we just don't have that kind of time. Whatever we are going to do we need to figure out in the next couple of weeks if we want to leave around the end of August. I'll keep "y'all" posted...


Lantastic said...

KOREA!! KOREA KOREA!! things are fine here. situation is not any worse at all. things are good. I really hope you and Jason come back.

Kelly said...

Hey Darlin! Good to hear that you are having a great time at home! My last night! Crazy! It has been super hectic and fun and stressful the last few days, but I am definitely ready. Talk soon! :)