A couple weeks ago, we had our last 3 day weekend until Christmas. That's about 12 weeks with NO BREAKS. So Jason and I decided that we better enjoy the time off. We headed down south to the city of Gyeong-ju. It was the capital of the Shilla Dynasty for around 1000 years - thousands of years ago. So, needless to say, there's a lot of history there. It's kind of like the Kyoto of Korea. Kind of.
We spent our first day there visiting a couple of temples. We made our way out to the Bulguksa Temple, one of the oldest temples in Korea. Very nice (see photos). After the temple, we took an extremely crowded bus up a windy mountain road to the Seoukguram Grotto. It was pretty much on top of the mountain, there were great views in every direction. Supposedly, on a clear day, you can see the ocean. But clear days don't really exist in Korea (perma-smog), so of course we didn't see it. But anyway, you take a short walk from where the bus lets you off and come to a shrine built into the side of the mountain. Inside the grotto, there is a giant stone buddha, surrounded by a semi-circle wall with around 30 or so guards carved into it. Walking back from it, we saw the best sunset I've seen in Korea.
Later that night, we walked around and visited some of the sites around the city. First we walked to the observatory, the oldest one in all of Asia. On flat ground and only about 25 feet high... a little different than observatories today. Guess they didn't have to deal with all the bright city lights and pollution. Hmm... Anyway, you can't tell just from looking at it, but there is a lot that went into designing it. There are 12 stones at the base (months), 30 layers to the top (months), and 366 stones in all (days in the year).
From the observatory, we made out way over to the Anapji Pond. It's a big pond with a few pagodas located around it. Everything was lit up and night and it looked really amazing. The perfect place to take an evening stroll. There once was temples surrounding the pond, but they've long sine burned down. Also, when they drained the pond in the 70's for maintenance, they discovered hundreds of relics that had been forgotten in the water and somehow stayed pretty well preserved in the mud.
The next two days we spent hiking around Mount Namsan, a small mountain just outside of town that is covered with shrines. The first day we met a couple of Korean guys who became our tour guides for the day. They were really nice guys, in their mid twenties, and they have actually become good friends since then. They are also from Seoul and were just vacationing for the long weekend as well. We've gone out to dinner and drinks and soccer games with them a couple times since we've been back. It's nice to actually hang out with some Koreans instead of just foreigners for once. The second day we rented bikes and rode around along the base of the mountain and through some rice fields before doing some hiking. Both days we some some really amazing buddhas carved into the sides of rock walls. I think I saw some of my favorite things I've seen in Korea there, but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Take a look here.
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